Leadwell CNC Machine – Day 1
Just bought a ‘scrap’ CNC machine from craigslist. It is an old 1986 Leadwell machine that was used to machine engine blocks. I hired a roll-off truck and rented a forklift to pick it up. The CNC was heavier than expected, so we were probably pushing the weight limit on the truck a bit.
Getting it down the narrow mountain roads in Drake CO was a bit intense at times.
After a very long ride, it was dropped off in my driveway in Fort Collins CO.
It quickly became clear that getting it into the garage would be a challenge. I decided to dissasemble as much as I could in the driveway before trying to move it into the garage
By nightfall, I had removed as much of the enclosure as I could without cutting wires. The true condition of the machine started to become clear, I may have gotten in a little deeper than I had thought with this. Tomorrow we will try and move it into the garage.